At the Law Office of Teena Johnson, my goal is simple: to make the divorce process as smooth as possible. I’m proud to act as your advocate and adviser from before you file until your divorce is final.

Helping Families And Individuals Throughout Pierce County and King County, Washington

Practice Areas Overview

Practice Areas Overview

Collaborative Law

Collaborative Law





A Contentious Divorce Can Lead To Bigger Problems

There’s an observation that notes, “When there are battles, there are always losers.”

I am attorney Teena Johnson, and in my years as a family law and divorce lawyer, I have seen many spouses prove time after time that when a battle leads to a contentious divorce, there are no winners. In those cases, the spouse who is out to punish the other usually creates a stressful, expensive, and extended court fight – producing the kind of fallout that can impact children and personal relationships for many years.

As an experienced divorce attorney and a former President of both Collaborative Professionals of Washington and Collaborative Law Professionals of Pierce County, my goal in every situation is to help clients avoid that outcome whenever possible.

What DoesA Collaborative Divorce Look Like?

I have also seen many spouses who are able, with assistance, to remain cooperative and calm throughout the process, resulting in a much more peaceful and satisfying resolution. It is possible to have a more amicable divorce, if spouses are open minded and willing, even if initially there seem to be few areas of agreement. These spouses manage to treat each other with respect, without sacrificing their interests, and are better able to move forward with their separate lives.

A More Cooperative,Less Expensive Solution

Solving differences in divorce through mediation and collaboration is often less expensive, faster and less traumatic than fighting it out in court. A cooperative approach decreases emotional trauma for people who are divorcing and their children, and it is the best choice for many clients. It is an approach that can empower you to make your own decisions and help you create agreements that everyone can live with. 

Collaborative Law | Professionals of Pierce County | CLPPC
Collaborative Practice | Resolving Disputes Respectfully
Collaborative Professionals of Washington
Collaborative Divorce | Tacoma
Washington State Bar Association